
Dance for Life 2018 – What a Night!

The Solas Cancer Support Centre Dance for Life took place on Friday 9th of March to a full house in the Theatre Royal.  20 couples danced on the night and after eight weeks of tuition, rehearsal and preparations they all did themselves proud on the…

Solas Closure Update – Weather Alert

Due to the snow and the weather alerts given for Thursday and Friday the Centre is closed and will reopen on Monday 5th March at 9am. All appointments will be rescheduled and we will contact clients early next week to make these arrangements. Stay safe…

Board Retirements

The Solas Cancer Support Centre wishes to acknowledge the retirement from our board of Dr Paula Calvert and Mr Simon Fahey. Simon joined our board 5 years ago. During this time he has brought experienced insights and guidance to support the board’s work. Simon’s extensive…