Solas Croke Park Abseil 2025
Are you looking for an exciting challenge in 2025?
If yes? we have the amazing challenge for you!
We are very excited to announce the Croke Park abseil is back on Friday 25th April, which is during the Easter School Holidays.
Take a leap for Solas! Fly over Croke Park while raising funds to support people affected by cancer, their family members and carers in Waterford and surrounding areas.
Open to those over 18 and no abseiling experience is required.
How fit do participants need to be?
Fitness is not very important but agility/mobility is very important; reaching the start of the abseil requires descending 3 short ladders and climbing over a barrier. If a participant has mobility issues they need to speak to us in advance. Anyone who has had recent surgery, is/may be pregnant, has back pain or other medical/mobility issues or are over 65 must seek their GP’s advice before partaking in this event.
Is there a weight limit?
Yes, the limit is 120kg. Participants need to be made aware of this limit when signing up for the event.
Can participants bring phones on the abseil?
No. Participants must leave phones and jewellery when family or friends before going up onto the roof. Access to the roof is strictly for participants only.
This event is run in conjunction with a professional abseil company who will provide full training on the day.
Please follow the steps below to confirm your place on the abseil and pay your registration fee of €50 per person. Outside of the registration fee, we are asking everyone to raise a minimum of €350 per person online via iDonate or general fundraising.